Also download the Android NDK v12.Ĭertain components in SciChart Android are dependent on the Android NDK (Native Development Kit). Next, under SDK Tools ensure ‘Android SDK Build Tools’ is up to date. For instance, we require v4.4 – v6 for SciChart Android development.
Under SDK Platforms ensure you have selected the platform(s) you want to develop for. Once that’s done, open Android Studio and go to Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager. Make a note of where the Android SDK was installed to, this is very useful for certain operations in Android! On first start, Android Studio will try to download the Android SDK. You can start the application from the Applications folder, or from Spotlight, by searching CMD+SPACE and typing ‘Android Studio’ Follow the steps to install the application in OSX. This will be required later when setting environment variables Installing Android Studioĭownload Android Studio for MAC from the. For instance, /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home. NOTE : Make a note of your JDK Install path.